Media relations is slowly becoming a lost art as PR/marketing firms and software platforms turn to artificial intelligence, mass blasts and over-dependence on self publishing and press releases. Further, the media landscape has changed dramatically, as certain national and top tier media have been relegated to pay for play and content syndication status. In their place have emerged podcasts, online TV, AMA threads, TED Talks and other platforms that are generally editorial in nature.
This is not to take away from the reach, often global and national, of traditional media spanning daily newspapers, online news sites, radio programs, national television, regional affiliates and bloggers — all of whom still command influence and often wide distribution.
Whether seeking news to reach customers/clients, partners, buzz investors, or increase awareness of you and your company, media relations has always been an effective tool for delivering results. No longer abiding by the adage “all publicity is good publicity,” it is essential that your company conducts ongoing relationships with the right reporters and influencers to stay at the forefront of your respective industry.
If you’re looking for more reasons to engage a PR firm, look no further. Let FischTank PR be your conduit to the media, and ultimately, your target audience. We have spent over a decade honing our approach to media relations and developing journalist relationships, identifying endless opportunities that have resulted in coverage for our clients, no matter their size. FischTank PR can connect your company to the key reporters and publications that will best tell your story and achieve the PR objectives you seek.
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