Amberly Dzimira

Amberly is an Account Executive at FischTank PR working with cleantech/sustainability clients. She has a passion for media relations and uses her skills as a communicator to amplify voices working toward meaningful change.

Through her commitment to relationship-building, Amberly prioritizes nurturing strong connections with all those she works with. She views her work as a way to make a positive impact on the world around her, regardless of if she’s working on a large-scale initiative or a small project.

Amberly earned a BS in advertising and public relations from Grand Valley State University. If you need to find her, she’s probably out thrifting, searching for dogs to pet, caring for however many mice/hamsters she has at the time, or sitting on a patio somewhere with a spicy margarita (she’ll definitely let you pull up a chair to join).

Amberly Dzimira

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